Hi, I'm James

I’m a Software Engineer, with a love for music and Computer Science.
MComp Computer Science (Distinction)
BSc Computer Science (1st Class)
I’ve always been fascinated by computers and the things people can do with them. From a young age I was in awe of the fast paced world of web development and how it evolves.

When I was 16 I did some freelancing where I learned to produce effective websites and user experiences. A key takeaway was the importance of regular communication and demonstrations with the client to keep our vision of the end goal aligned.

In 2018 I graduated from the University of South Wales, where I was introduced to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. I dug deeper into this with my final year project, where I explored Data Structures, Expert System Design, Natural Language processing, creating data sets and more.
I had the pleasure of working on an equally challenging problem as part of my masters team project, developing an application that utilised machine learning methods. I really enjoyed sharing and learning approaches and methods, working with version control, and practicing the agile methodology.

A screenshot of the Machine Learning Application (SiaVid) in action
I’m currently working at Pinwheel, where I have the pleasure of working with a fantastic team on a planet repair platform that connects businesses, their employees and customers with the most impactful carbon removal and biodiversity projects.
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